Friday, July 19, 2013

Baby Keone

Good Morning! Starting my day with a sweet little baby! Baby Keone - such a little darling. He was such a dream to work with. Squeeee! So cute!! 

 It's hard to pick a favourite. Can you? I like the one with the tie - and big sister, and the little lips, and in Dad's arm, and all curled up... ok, maybe I can't choose just one :) 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Baby Julia

Mm. Some baby sweetness! 
Meet Julia. 5 days old. 

A little sneak peak for mom and dad! 
She is just so darn adorable! Check out big sister Claire, daintily touching her little fingers!  
All of this was done right in their living room! Using the light from the window right beside the set up. It was so relaxing! 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A book in the works

I have to begin with an apology. This post will have no photos. It's a little bit more personal that anything I've written on this blog before. I have come to the fact that this is me. This is part of who I am, it has brought me to this very spot in life, and is not letting go. I have fought with this for what seems forever, and I've decided to bring it to life. To use my talents, my gifts, my pain, my loss, and my words to create a book. A book about loss.

Please know that I love what I do. I love the baby bellies, the little adorable babies and children that come my way. I feel so privileged to be able to photograph the amazing families that come to me. I love what I do, and that will never change. This past year has made my passion even stronger. To help, to guide, to just enjoy life. Every life.

I would also just like to say a quick thank you. A thank you to all my wonderful clients that make this "job" for me possible. I could not do this without you.

A little while ago I wrote this note on facebook.

"I am feeling a bit inspired tonight. So I'd like to tell you a little bit about my story, about this idea that has been brewing in my mind for a while, but has yet to come out on paper. This week I will be writing out the details, so you'll have to stay tuned for those, but I have a project idea and I need your help. 

I have been a bit hesitant to write anything about this on my business page, but this has been my definition. So here's a little bit about myself, that maybe some of you don't know.

I have miscarried 5 times in the last 2 years. There is BabyA, BabyB, Ailey, Jewel, and Grace. All in the first trimester, and all at different weeks. We have done a number of tests, and can't find anything wrong (for those of you wondering) and at the moment, I am done trying to figure it out. 

I have felt alone in this pain, mostly because I have isolated myself. It seemed easier then reaching out for help. For people who ask, I talk. I am always very open about my story, but I have realized that I cover most of the bad stuff. I cover up how hard it's been - how hard it is. 

So here is me reaching out. To you.

Will you help me? Will you tell me your story? 

I would like to create a book. A book about infertility. A book of photos, words, pain, and inspiration. 

There are lots of details to this to be organized. I don't know how long it'll take, or what the finished product will look like, but I need to start somewhere. 

Let me know and we'll set up a time. We'll do a photoshoot, and chat about you. This photoshoot will be free for you, and if you would like any copies of the photos just let me know and we'll work something out. The photos can include your partner or be by yourself. 

Share this with everyone you can. Help me create a book, so we're not alone. 

I am wanting to share my story, and hear your story! There are so many of us that are hurting, so many of us that are going through some of this seemingly alone. 

When I was in the midst, I wanted to see faces. I wanted to hear someone say. "Me too. I understand. I've been through that. I am in the same place as you." I didn't want the advice, I didn't want to hear medical terms or questions about what we were doing next. I wanted to feel less 'alone'. I knew that there were people that I could reach out to, that I could lean on any of my friends. But in the midst, when depression is stealing the light, it's scary reaching out. To say those words you long to say for fear of completely breaking down, and never getting back up. To be able to hold it together often ment silent smiles, and painful laughter. Crying alone at night, and rising the next day solely out of habit. 

So here is my vision for my book. Photos. Photos of faces, of scars, of memories and of women and men who have or are dealing with a loss. A loss of a child, miscarriages or infertility. A place where people can come and look and see, they are not alone. It will be our community, maybe even someone you know. There will be stories, there will be words, verses, quotes and songs. It will be emotional, honest, and inspiring. 

So I would like your help. If you, or someone you know have words to say and a story to tell, please contact me. We will first sit down and have a coffee, get to know each other a little bit more, and decide which direction to take. As the book takes on life, I will see which stories will stay. I would love to include every single word...but we'll see how it goes. After we chat, we'll talk about the photo for you. It's going unique to you. Mostly black and white, but again, once it takes on life, a different direction might arise. You will get a final look at your page, and the story that will go into the book before it gets published to make sure that all the information is correct, and you are comfortable with what's said and how it looks. 

Thank you all! Here is all my contact information if you would like to contact me! 

Wendy Peters
281.7931 (call/text)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

(Almost!) Feb. 1 :)

How in the world did it end up being (almost) February 1st already? Wowza. I guess it's good... we can slip past all this blasted cold and head into spring, right? It just can't come fast enough!!

So today and part of yesterday, I got to take a journey! Sorta like a 'day in a life'. I helped out a friend of mine in her business. She got to take a holiday (Yay Kristy!!). So she needed some help. Her business is Kristy Kleen Automotive Detailing, and she had booked a Proline in, so she called up her friends and we cleaned boats! See that Pontoon boat there? I waxed every single pontoon of 9 pontoon boats. That's all I did today! My wrist hurt and I'm exhausted, but it was pretty fun. Yesterday we cleaned 8 Stingray boats. ( Makes me want to take a holiday! )

So if you have stuck with me this far in the blog... I have some pretty exciting news!! There is lots going on. I am working on two great project!

Project 1: Breastfeeding Calendar! This will be ready for the 2014 year. There will be spots for advertising (so if you're a small business and want to advertise, let me know and I'll pitch you the cost ). There is lots of details to work out in this one... but I'll keep you well informed along the way!! 

Project 2: A Miscarriage and Infertility Book. A book with photos, stories, inspiration. A book of real women. Women in our community. When I was going through my miscarriages, all I wanted was to know that I wasn't alone. I was able to find other women to talk to, but sometimes, in those moments of silence, I wanted something reassuring. I am hoping that's what this book will do. Nothing medical, no advice... just real life. I am looking forward to the journey. The journey of healing - for me, and as many woman, children and families as I can fit into one book. If you or someone you know would like to participate, please email, call, or text me! You are welcome to email me your stories if you would like, or set up a meeting and we can sit and chat! I'd love to take your photo... and share your journey!

So many many great things going on in my world. I have so many people to thank for all of this. People who believe in me, and believe in my business. So thank- you friends!

Well, this tired body and mind has got to go to bed! I am looking forward to a business photoshoot in the morning! Take care everyone!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 

There are so many great things about a New Year! Sorta feels like a brand new start. Though I did start my business in (about) April of 2009, 2012 was my first year full time in it! So no other job to buffer! I don't really like talking about money, (and it's never just about the money!) but I made it a whole year. My phone didn't get cut off, I managed to make office rent - even if it was late a couple of times. 

I have been having a blast! It has been challenging and rewarding, and the journey has been amazing! I have seen babies grow, and captured toddlers personalities. I have made awesome friends, met some amazing clients, and stocked a portfolio up with beautiful faces! 

New Year Projects

I have some brand new projects on the go. A lot of things came up last year that I had to say "um, I'm not sure", which is part of growing. (and I'm sure this year will be the same!) So from that, a few changes will be made. (which is also part of growing!) We have some really great small businesses and charity's in Saskatoon. I am hoping to become involved with some of them. A great pleasure for me this last year has been getting to know some of these business and people, and supporting them! (I'll be blogging about that, so watch for it! ) 

Facebook and Blogger and Youtube

These are the three social media outlets that I am hoping to use in the full extent this year. So be sure you are a fan on Facebook! ( I'll make it easy - HERE'S a link! ) So below, is a Youtube slideshow of 2012! I could have easily made it about an hour long, but that would just be too much!