Friday, May 18, 2012

Take down!

One of my very favourite things to do is take photos. Capturing that moment. That second when the newborn smiles, or when the kids are smelling the flowers... The unposed, the unexpected.

I love taking photos outside, in natural sunlight.

But recently have also fell in love studio shots.

I decided to give you a little background scene of me... taking down after a newborn shoot.

For me, i like plain. Ya, props are cute. But the baby is cuter :) I love the natural. Just the baby. So i'll have all the necessary stuff - backgrounds, background stand, lights, camera and me! I'll have a few hats and props, but mostly it'll just be the baby.

Be sure to check out my website for more photos of bellies and babies! (link above!)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

With an office - comes office hours!! There is usually coffee on and a wide selection of tea if you would like to come visit! If you'd like to make an appointment or would like to take a look at some of my stuff feel free! There is a fabulous store in the front called Mothers' Melody, owned by a friend Fred Berry! (I often get distracted and am in there chatting with her!) Twice (ish) a month i work in there to help her out as well! A wonderful place to shop, find out about all the wonderful programs at Birth Rhythms - or to simply hang out!